Our Donors


The Loewy Family



($25,000 and above)

Neighborhood Partnering Program


($5000 – $24,999)

Austin Parks Foundation
Stephannie Behrens & Tom Wilbur
Northwest Austin Civic Association


($2500 – $4999)

Alexander Family
In memory of Rebecca Behrens
HEB Tournament of Champions
Joyce Statz and David Hogan
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Day School


($1000 – $2499)

A+ Federal Credit Union
Andreani Family
David Barrow
Dalgleish Construction
NWA Kickball
Pacheco Family
Ting Family
On behalf of the parents of Magellan International School


($500 – $999)

Bealko Huels Family
Catherine Clark
Cathy Douglas
Sue Rubio
Nancy Sipple
Eva & Neal Tanner


($250 – $499)


Kelsey Ahern
Audrey Alexander
Banister Family
Carolyn Bartelli
Kimberly Blount
Holly & Alan Cohen
Emma Garrett
David Goodman
Courtney Graeber
Elizabeth Gunter
Lisa Harrell

Hazlett Family
Larkin Family
Nimah McMahon
Leanne Ralston
Aaron Shagrin
Katie Spurck
Cheryl Starcher
Szygenda Family
Nancy & Howard Thompson
Wilbur Family
David & Melanie Wilkes



($100 – $249)

Allison Angell
Bernadette Barnhill
Jeff and Carrie Bobick
Thomas Boone
Megan Bouchareb
Kay Bradley
Mary Jane Burson
Alexander Chachanashvili
Chapman Family
Gloria Chen
Keith Cohan
Katherine Culleton
Melissa Curtis
Stacy Daniels
Debra Danzinger
Stephanie Davis
DeWeese Family
Matt Domsch
Matt & Meghan Ellington
Karin Foster

Richard Frear
Sheri Gallo
Alicia Garnes
Susan Gordon
Kiran Hahn
Michael Harrington
Stephanie Henney
Emily Hibbs
Mike & Susan Hickey
Roger Hickman
Richard Lampert
Annie Livingston
Donald Lovering
Andrea McFarling
Janelle & Paul Medrano
Meroney Family
Lisa Miller
Britania O'Brien
Patricia Overmyer
Eric Oyler

Heather Pate
David & Donna Poole
Rob & Pancy Price
Jack Robertson
Vivia Robertson
Sagebiel Family
Sauer Family
Kim Schocket
Teresa Shaw
Tanner Shepard
Katie Simoes
John & Dorothy Strance
Karen Tarzia
Julie Waltzer
Peter & Meredith Withers Family
Whitney & Will Withers Family
Maag and Penick Family
Plondke Family


Andrew Alexander
Leslie Alexander
Altmejd Family
Patricia Armstrong
Bellavia Family
Christy Caffrey
Susanne Caldwell
Marsha Creatchman
Tracy Darrow
Christopher Davis
Ann Denkler
Alan Domme

David Petty
Kelly Popelka
Jon Roberts
Beth Rowan
Emily Seales
John Sepehri
Beryl Simpson
Tracy Urban
Sachin Wadhawan
Mary Wall
Sari & Mel Waxler
Chrissy Wojtewicz

Paul Fink
Carina Hatfield
Jane Herrin
Faye Holland
Mary Beth Hubuik
Lauren Hurst
Richard Kohl
Sara Krauskopf
David Lundquist
Earle McBride
Shirley Nichols
Patel Family